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“Give it to me raw, give it to me wriggling” >> Trout tartare on bread "fish skeleton" >> Reservations NOW OPEN for the “Tastier Side of Middle Earth” menu (April 24-May 25) at @eatatlocalis 🦶🔪💍🗻🔥🏡🛳🌬 
2031 S St, Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
Open for dinner Wednesday - Saturday
Reserve HERE:
“Tastier Side of Middle Earth”
inspired by the novels of  J.R.R Tolkien
April 24th - May 25th, 2024
“Give it to me raw, give it to me wriggling” - Trout tartare on bread "fish skeleton".
“Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!” - Variations of new potatoes.
“My precious” - Pavlova ring stenciled in strawberry powder and poured over with strawberry "lava."

“Give it to me raw, give it to me wriggling” >> Trout tartare on bread "fish skeleton" >> Reservations NOW OPEN for the “Tastier Side of Middle Earth” menu (April 24-May 25) at @eatatlocalis 🦶🔪💍🗻🔥🏡🛳🌬
2031 S St, Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
Open for dinner Wednesday - Saturday
Reserve HERE:
“Tastier Side of Middle Earth”
inspired by the novels of J.R.R Tolkien
April 24th - May 25th, 2024
“Give it to me raw, give it to me wriggling” - Trout tartare on bread "fish skeleton".
“Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!” - Variations of new potatoes.
“My precious” - Pavlova ring stenciled in strawberry powder and poured over with strawberry "lava."

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