Dream Life Designing
LIFE ~ STYLE ~ HOME ~ Find your MEANING, work your MAGIC
708 Alhambra Blvd
Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95816916-425-4478
Dream Life Designing is based on the Study of Positive Psychology and the Practice of Joyful Living. It is about helping you envision and create your Dream Life ~ one emotion, epiphany, dream and day at a time.
Dream Life Designing Coaching, Guidance and Mentoring can help you:
Boost Self-Awareness and Esteem
Harness Inspiration and Motivation
Get in touch with your Higher Self and Highest Calling
Improve the Quality of your Experiences and Authenticity of your Existence
Harness the Positive Power of your Thoughts, Balance Emotions, and Obtain more Peace of Mind
Tap into Resources and find the Guidance always at your fingertips
Learn to love the Little Blisses and Ignite an Irresistible Life!
Fun, informative, empowering and tailor-made for each client, Dream Life Designing will open up your life to new and exciting possibilities, as well as teach you how to step into them. Whether you want help with creativity, confidence, career, relationships, wellbeing, writing, motivation, success, serenity or other, DLD sessions include Perspective Shifting & Dream-Storming, Awareness & Expression Coaching, Vision-Building, Magic & Meaning Monitoring, Spiritual College Classes, Journey Mapping, and more!
Melanie at 916.425.4478 / melanienoellight@gmail.com
"I appreciate your thoughtful, creative approach to life and always feel better after talking with you!"
~ Amanda, East Sacramento
"Melanie knows just the right questions to ask. Her inquiries prompt a different view, a wider lens and often a hidden insight. Melanie's support and gentle guidance have helped me gain clarity and confidence along this path."
~Aimee, Albuquerque
"Your book, by the way, is so well written! It's clear and lyrical. I'm taking my time reading it. It's the sort of thing one does not want to give a cursory attention. - I really treasure it!"
~Scott, Portland
Melanie Noel Light has a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a master's degree in Natural Health. Her first book Portals to the Soul, the Psyche & A More Enchanted Life was published in 2003. Since then, she has published a blog book and hundreds of articles on wellness, lifestyle and the power of possibility. She works out of Middle Way Health in Midtown.