Requiem Events & Darling Aviary bring you their brand spankin’ new downtown block party taking place in Ali Youssefi Square.
Nightingale will celebrate the diverse culture of dance music right in the heart of the City of Sacramento. This year’s format will be 2-day block party events. Expect lights, unique decor, and the world’s best talent in the dance music world. We’ve got sounds in 3 (…MAYBE MORE!) different spaces Friday September 9th and Saturday September 10th… You’ll get to hear music in the following unique spaces for a multi dimensional DANCE PARTY:
- Ali Youssefi Square (block party)
- Darling Aviary Rooftop (VIP tickets holders only)
- Darling Aviary Downstairs
This is our take on what we’d love to see the city grow into for music events. Activating multiple spaces and creating fun for the entire downtown corridor. Two day GA tickets are only $20 and two day VIP tickets are $50 after fees! VIP AMENITIES –
- rooftop access to @darlingaviary
- Free admission to after parties both nights
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