2019 Student Purchase Awards @ Sac State

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Thu, March 28 2019
The University Union at Sac State
6000 J Street
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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The University Union is pleased to announce the annual 2019 Student Purchase Awards featured in The University Union’s Gallery from March 25th – April 18th during general hours. The exhibit features the work of the amazing students here at Sacramento State. The Gallery is open Monday-Fridays from 10:30am-3:30pm and Wednesday-Thursdays from 5-8pm during the semester.

The Student Purchase Awards exhibit is a tradition that dates back to the late 70s, shortly after the original University Union opened in 1975. The show is completely open to all students currently enrolled at Sac State. Students submit their artwork during a three-day period, which will take place from March 11-13th. Then, off-campus visual arts professionals are chosen to judge the submitted work. Three “Best of Show” awards (in addition to Purchase Awards) are selected solely on the basis of artistic quality, and are awarded a cash prize. The works selected for Purchase Awards are chosen using the following criteria: artistic quality, adaptability into the University Union permanent collection, and the relative price of the piece. Those pieces then become part of the Union’s permanent collection and will be displayed in the facility for years to come.

Student submissions will be accepted during Gallery hours from March 11th-13th.

The reception for the Student Purchase Awards will be held on Thursday, March 28th, 2019. The event takes place from 6-8 pm in the Gallery, located on the 2nd floor of the University Union. The exhibit, along with its reception, is open to the general public. Attendants are welcome to meet the artists themselves and enjoy appetizers provided at the event.


For more information about upcoming art exhibits, visit www.theuniversityunion.com/gallery or call the University Union Information Desk at 916-278-6997.

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A message from our friends @timetestedbooks::

We love you, Sacramento! As always, we can`t stress enough how important it is to support your community by shopping locally.
The spaces you love are only around because you continue to support them. Advocate for your neighborhoods by supporting the businesses that actually care about what happens here.
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Time Tested Books 📸✨
1114 21st Street - Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 447-5696