If it’s the Luck of the Irish you’re looking for, come find it at Old Sacramento Waterfront in March! An Old Sacramento tradition that offers a day of a parade, live musical entertainment, outdoor beer gardens and a chance to find Leprechauns hiding throughout the charming historic district. Come and join us for this all-day event and make your St. Patrick’s Day one to remember!
Old Sacramento’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Saturday March 15th
Festival time: 12:00PM – 5:00PM
Parade time: 12:00PM – 1:00PM
Parade Participant Check-in: 10:00AM
Event Location: Old Sacramento Waterfront
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Swipe for this week`s specials at @limelight916 and check out those very reasonable prices.👍👍 And, Limelight`s Annual IRISH SOCIAL is coming up on March 15th! It`s a classic neighborhood-pub family-friendly celebration with music, dancing and St. Patrick`s Day food and drink specials. This one sells out so get your tickets early!
Limelight`s Annual Irish Social
Saturday, March 15, 2025
2-9pm / $25 per person
Tickets on eventbrite
Music & Dance Lineup:
The Foul Tips
Sacramento Pipe Band
McKeever School of Irish Dance
Fixed Pensioners
Limelight Bar & Cafe
Mon-Fri: 11am-midnight
Saturday: 9am - 2am
Sunday: 9am-midnight
Alhambra & J Street
(916) 446-2236
Have you ever had homemade spaetzle? It`s a central European egg pasta usually served with a stew and you can get some at @latrattoriabohemia on J Street. They serve it with their OUTSTANDING Chicken Paprikash.
La Trattoria Bohemia
3649 J Street
Open Tue-Sun lunch & dinner
Czech food
Italian food
European beer