The long-awaited Fat Tuesday Second Line is back on February 13th. Start at Mulvaney’s, march with Element Brass Band to Streets Pub & Grub, and end at The Torch Club where you’ll have hurricanes, jambalaya, Big Chiefs, @bandhayez, and a night to remember.
FAT TUESDAY February 13th, 2024:
** Meet up is 4:30pm at
Mulvaney’s: 19th between L + Capitol
** 2nd line starts at 5pm and heads to
Streets Pub: J between 18th + 19th
** then continues on to final destination at
Torch Club: 15th between I + J
(no cover, 21+)
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Two events are coming up at @amatoria_fine_art_books. Tell a friend, buy a book, and please RSVP! 1831 F Street >> corner of 19th and F in Midtown.
An Evening of Poetry & Prose w Barbara Ruth Saunders
Saturday, February 22nd
6pm – 8pm
Barbara Ruth Saunders is a brilliant thinker, an astute observer of human nature and the natural world, a free spirit with razor-sharp editing skills. We’re so pleased that she and her long-time friend nialla rose will be joining us for an evening of poetry and prose in celebration of Barbara’s recently published collection of poetry entitled “Hearing Voices”
Afrofuturism: An Open Discussion
Wednesday, February 26th
6pm - 8pm
We`re continuing our discussion series this month with a dialog about Afrofuturism! We`ll watch a brief history and some short videos, then open the floor to discussion. What are the benefits of speculative futures? What challenges and opportunities do they present? Is Afrotopia possible? Explore the intersection of Black culture and history with science and technology. Afrofuturism is music, film, fashion, literature, art, performance, and more.
This is not a lecture, but an open forum discussion. Your thoughts and ideas are welcome. From Sun Ra to Octavia Butler to Black Panther, to Janelle Monae, into the Spiderverse, and beyond.
One-book-minimum to attend. RSVP to
Giant pretzels now available at @leftystaproom! Comes with house-made beer cheese & stone-ground mustard.
Lefty`s Eatery & Taproom
5610 Elvas Ave
East Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 389-0288
Indoor taproom
Outdoor patio
misters in the summer
heaters in the winter
Tuesday through Friday
BBQ, Burgers, Pub Grub
Great lunch specials
Weekend Breakfast
Tuesday Trivia Night
27 Beers, 4 Ciders, 9 Wines
Sacramento`s Local Yarn Store has been at it for over 40 years!🫡 They have all the fiber supplies you could ever want, and classes too. ** Private lessons available. **
1021 R Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 442-9225