Mary Upchurch SPECIAL COMEDY EVENT @ Laughs Unlimited

Fri, February 14 - Sat, February 15 2025
Laughs Unlimited
1207 Front St.
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Mary Upchurch is a ball of excitement, energy and enthusiasm with a pinch of self depreciation and dash of desperation. Originally from San Diego, Mary launched her comedy career in Phoenix, Arizona and now performs up and down the Las Vegas Strip. Mary was the winner of several contests including: House of Comedy’s Funniest Person with a Day Job, Stir Crazy’s Funniest Person in the Universe, and she placed 3rd in the World Series of Comedy in 2022. Her standup is featured on Dry Bar Comedy, Amazon Prime and SiriusXM

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1114 21st Street - Midtown
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A message from our friends @timetestedbooks::

We love you, Sacramento! As always, we can`t stress enough how important it is to support your community by shopping locally.
The spaces you love are only around because you continue to support them. Advocate for your neighborhoods by supporting the businesses that actually care about what happens here.
We`re open every day:
M-F 1pm-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun 11am-3pm
Time Tested Books 📸✨
1114 21st Street - Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 447-5696