New Years Eve 2nd Street Bar Crawl

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Tue, December 31 2019
Old Sacramento
Old Sacramento
7:00 pm
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New Years Eve in Sacramento starts with a fireworks show on the waterfront of Old Sacramento and finishes with a night of reveling in the 2020 New Year at the best bars of The Old Sacramento Waterfront.

With early fireworks, great restaurants, bars, and shops to choose from, they have structured a deal to ring in the New Year at all the 2nd Street bars for just one price. Why pay a $10-$20 cover charge at each of Old Sacramento’s bars when you can pay one cover and get into all! The party will include party favors (while they last), music, and a good time New Years Eve Celebration!

The bars that these special tickets will get you in are Fanny Ann’s, O’Mally’s, Finnegan’s, The Other Office, and The River City Saloon.

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🍦🍧 Gunther's 🍦🍧 
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Gunther's Ice Cream Established April 1940
@gunthersicecream 📸
2801 Franklin Blvd
Open Daily 11am-9pm

🍦🍧 Gunther`s 🍦🍧
~ making Sacramento memories for 85 years ~

Gunther`s Ice Cream Established April 1940
@gunthersicecream 📸
2801 Franklin Blvd
Open Daily 11am-9pm