Tahoe Park Food Trucks

This event has expired.
Fri, September 24 2021
Tahoe Park
3501 59th Street
Free Entry
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Tahoe Park Food Truck events are coming back on the fourth Friday of the month, July through October!

Come out with your friends and family, support small business food trucks, enjoy live music and a beer garden, and have fun! Ride your bike to the event and use the bike valet, provided by SABA.

Organizers asks that attendees distance themselves from those not in their party.

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A message from our friends @timetestedbooks:: 

We love you, Sacramento! As always, we can't stress enough how important it is to support your community by shopping locally.
The spaces you love are only around because you continue to support them. Advocate for your neighborhoods by supporting the businesses that actually care about what happens here.
We're open every day:
M-F 1pm-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun 11am-3pm
Time Tested Books 📸✨
1114 21st Street - Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 447-5696

A message from our friends @timetestedbooks::

We love you, Sacramento! As always, we can`t stress enough how important it is to support your community by shopping locally.
The spaces you love are only around because you continue to support them. Advocate for your neighborhoods by supporting the businesses that actually care about what happens here.
We`re open every day:
M-F 1pm-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun 11am-3pm
Time Tested Books 📸✨
1114 21st Street - Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 447-5696