The Joke Squad w Aurora Singh @ Laughs Unlimited

Wed, February 12 2025
Laughs Unlimited
1207 Front St.
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Laughs Unlimited has a LONG history (almost 45 years) of cultivating, recognizing and promoting talent throughout the Northern California area. Many comics have started at Laughs Unlimited and gone on to great careers in many entertainment fields. We continue this tradition by offering the next newest and brightest up and coming comedians in a showcase of talent!

Hosted by Joey G
Featuring Aurora Singh
Special Guests Mariah Barrera, Jake Rizzly
Come support this rising talent and watch the comedic journey unfold.

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A message from our friends @timetestedbooks:: 

We love you, Sacramento! As always, we can't stress enough how important it is to support your community by shopping locally.
The spaces you love are only around because you continue to support them. Advocate for your neighborhoods by supporting the businesses that actually care about what happens here.
We're open every day:
M-F 1pm-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun 11am-3pm
Time Tested Books 📸✨
1114 21st Street - Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 447-5696

A message from our friends @timetestedbooks::

We love you, Sacramento! As always, we can`t stress enough how important it is to support your community by shopping locally.
The spaces you love are only around because you continue to support them. Advocate for your neighborhoods by supporting the businesses that actually care about what happens here.
We`re open every day:
M-F 1pm-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun 11am-3pm
Time Tested Books 📸✨
1114 21st Street - Midtown
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 447-5696